Meet Georgie

ICF Accredited Life & Mindset Coach.

Life Coach Georgina McGarry smiling in a white blazer and black trousers


Hi guys! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story of how I became an accredited Life Coach.

In my early 20’s, I was unsure of what I was doing with my life and had no real goals or intentions. I spent seven years working in the dental industry and knew that I wanted more but just didn’t know what. I spent years listening to podcasts, reading books and watching videos on self-development but was unsure how to take that first step.

Who did I want to be? I kept thinking “I’ll figure it out one day“, “I’ll know what to do when I’m older“,  “It’ll come to me eventually”, then when years passed and I still hadn’t progressed: still working in the same job, still doing the same things, that’s when I knew I needed to do something different.

At the same time as this I was also dealing with severe anxiety. I was unaware how much it was taking over my life. I would have frequent panic attacks and my chest would be so tight that at times it seemed hard to breathe. I had so much self-doubt and my limiting beliefs were ruling my life. There was always a little voice in my head saying I was never good enough.

The turning point was when my ‘stable job’ of 7 years became redundant. I wasn’t required anymore. I was terrified and it really exacerbated my feelings of not being enough. Deep down though I knew in my heart I’d wanted to leave for a while, but hadn’t done it because I hadn’t known what the next step was going to be.

I quickly found a new role as an Operations Manager in Healthcare (a big and scary leap for me at the time) and started to create action in my life so that I didn’t end up in the same rut again. I started studying again in Leadership, attended a number of self-development workshops, repeated affirmations to myself every single day and journalled out my irattional thoughts. It wasn’t easy, some days I would still get anxious about the unknown, the self-doubt and limiting beliefs would creep back in. What helped though was being aware. Starting to understand WHY I had self-doubt, WHAT my limiting beliefs were and HOW they were stopping me from moving forward with achieving my goals.

The pivotal moment though was when I invested in a Life Coach myself. I immersed myself in a 6-week programme to help find clarity around my own purpose. One of the questions that I struggled to answer was:

“What would you do for work if you took away all money aspects? What would your passion be?”

I explored various avenues to try and answer this, and each and every time I landed at the same conclusion… to help others go through the same journey I have gone through myself. I love talking to people about what they can do to improve themselves and achieve what they have always desired (and more!). I felt an excitement I’d never experienced before, “what if I could help others create a purpose for themselves? To help build the confidence they need to do anything they want?”.

I was hooked! My passion for coaching was born and I truly started to believe that anyone can do what they want to do in their lives.

I immediately enrolled onto a Certified Coach Training Course and am now a proud member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), which is the leading global organisation for the coaching profession.

I now wake up every day knowing I am supporting others to create a life that they love. Empowering people who might have lost their way creating their own path, supporting them to tackle limiting beliefs and building confidence within themselves.

This is what I was meant to do with my life and it fills me with joy!

Georgie xx

Want to know more about Coaching?

If you want to know more about what exactly Life Coaching is, please check out my ICF Accredited Coaching page.

If you’re ready to start your own journey, you can check out my coaching services and packages, as well as find information about my online programmes on the Coaching page.

Alternatively, Book an Appointment for a free 20 minute discovery call. This will give you the opportunity to ask any questions you still have and for you and Georgina to get to know each other a little better before you decide if coaching with her is the right choice for you.

  • Your greatest self has been waiting your whole life; don’t make it wait any longer – Steve Maraboli

Fun Facts About Me

girl drinking coffee at the beach
  1. As a child I never lived in the same place for more than 18 months, I’ve lived in England, Germany and Australia and overall been to 26 different countries.
  1. I went to seven primary schools as a kid! In one I was the only girl in Year 4.
  1. My first car was a ford falcon. Yep, me as a small 16 year old driving round with a car that had two loud exhausts! It was a sight to see… especially when I would hit the bottom of the car every time I went over a speed bump…

If you have any questions at all, feel free to get in touch and say Hey! I’d love to hear your story and support you on your journey.