Over the years I have read so many books to help with my mindset, and there are so many more out there that I still want to read. However, here are my top 6 so far. They have opened my mind and helped me overcome barriers that had been limiting my potential. If you are trying to change your mindset or overcome barriers yourself, I encourage you to give them a read and let me know what you think!


By Dr. Carol S. Dweck

You probably saw this one coming, am I right? Yes, it does seem obvious a book called ‘Mindset’ but honestly, this book changed my life in so many ways. Dr Dweck explores two mindsets: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. The fixed mindset (which I definitely was and working now to be more growth) is about fixed traits. For example, in a fixed mindset you can never allow yourself to fail at something because that would mean you aren’t good at it and therefore can’t pursue it. The growth mindset however encourages failing because that means you will learn something and will then get even better at it. Once you start to be aware of how you react in your relationships, work, study, sport, and pretty much every aspect of your life you can then start to change your own mindset and allow yourself to access your full potential.


By Hal Elrod

Are you living your day to day in the same routine and not noticing any change? This book explores a morning routine that gets you set up for your day! Hal Elrod explores what habits successful people do to get prepared for their day and merges them into one routine! He has done this by creating SAVERS which stands for Silence (meditate), Affirmations, Visualisations, Exercise, Reading and Scribing (Journal). If you’re thinking “how can you do all that before setting off to work?”, you’re not the only one. He demonstrates just how easy it is to fit these habits in and the benefits it will bring you if you’re looking to change your mindset. I have incorporated most of these into my morning routine and have never looked back!


By Cara Alwill Leyba

If you’re wanting a ‘feel good’ sort of book, this is the one for you! Cara is so inspiring, empowering and full of motivation. This book explores the journey of feeling confident and becoming who you truly are. She discusses how important it is for you to live your life however you want to become your highest-level self. What I love is Cara explains that she wasn’t always so confident herself, and walks us through how she turned her life around and made it into a success. Cara has amazing quotes, affirmations and a great sense of humour. I felt so inspired after reading this. She definitely makes you feel in the same ‘high vibe’ like her!

She also has a podcast called Style your Mind if you are craving more!


By Eckhart Tolle

I would recommend this book to anyone who needs to be more in the present. If you’re worried about the future or overthinking about the past then pick this book up! Eckhart Tolle explains how he turned his life around once he learned how to change his mindset to focus more on the present. It’s so insightful and you’ll really learn to calm your mind and find ease in your day. As I’ve struggled with anxiety in the past myself, this helped in changing the way I overthink the future. I resonated with his ‘spiritual journey’ and it opened my mind to help reduce my anxious feelings.


By Daniel Kahneman

To be completely honest it took me a while to get into this book. It’s very academic so I really had to concentrate when reading it. However, I’ve learnt so many things about our brain and how we process information, which in turn affects how we make decisions and react to certain situations. Daniel Kahneman discusses there are two parts of our brain: System 1 (automatic/unconscious) and System 2 (deliberate/ conscious). Kahneman won a Nobel prize for the findings that he explains in this book. He goes into why we judge others, what happens when we are surprised, our unconscious biases, why we find it difficult to think statistically, and many more. If you are wanting to understand how our minds work and how we process and respond, I recommend picking this up!


By Mick Spencer

This book is all about the behaviours and skills you can incorporate to start your own business. Mick Spencer writes about his upbringing and his journey to success. He explains you have to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone in order to achieve what you want. His approach focuses on what you can do rather than what you can’t. I found it really inspiring and took a lot from what Spencer wrote in this book. He explores pushing the boundaries and saying yes before you know how to deliver. This is something that has really tested me myself, now that I run my own business! If you are looking to do something, but you’re not sure how to start, I recommend you give this one a read!

And there you have it. The top 6 books that I have personally used myself to overcome limiting beliefs and help me achieve more of my goals. I hope you have enjoyed reading this and have been motivated to go out and start reading some of them yourself! I’ve added a link to Amazon for each one if you’re interested. Alternatively, just go to your local library and rent them out!

If you’re interested in knowing more about my own journey and how I got into Life Coaching, check out the Meet Georgie page.

Georgie xx

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